Exploring the Spaces Between

March 4, 2024

In everyday life, where normal and exceptional events mix, I’m drawn to moments that make me curious, amazed, or even a bit puzzled. This blog is my way of sharing my journey through these times, writing down my thoughts exactly as they come to me, inspired by our lively and sometimes chaotic world.

We’re living in unusual times that push us to change, think differently, and come up with new ways of doing things. Also, my early days working at my company, Vivian White, along with the various jobs I’ve held, have provided valuable opportunities for learning new knowledge and gaining experience and insights into myself. This blog aims to explore these daily encounters, reflecting on what catches my eye and resonates with my spirit and previous experiences. It’s about sharing insights and musings, using my own words, from the heart of my experiences.

A good friend of mine made an insightful comment yesterday: “välitilassa viisastumista,” – meaning there’s wisdom to be found in the in-between spaces that we sometimes can be pretty scared of. However, in these transitional moments and thresholds, we often find our deepest insights and truths—if we allow ourselves to go with the flow.

I’m curious to see where this blog might take me. Here’s to exploring the unknown spaces between, embracing uncertainty, and gaining wisdom as we go.

By Virpi Vaittinen